Extreme Sports Media Man

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Rory Hackett Likes to Table

Went to 4a for a bit, took some photos, took some video. generally just chilled out a bit.

Tim Peckham pro-mo video and photos, and interview coming soon!

But for now. you can look at some photos, of the ever mighty Rory Hackett.

Back from a long ski season, and being of the bike for a while, i would say his tables arn't looking too shabby.

Back on the bike

Spot the rider
Ok.. this one has to be viewed in LARGE its like a little game.. spot the rider.

It just shows, if you keep your eyes peeled.. there are trails everywhere!


Now, Ive got a 200mm lens, which is basically very long and zoomed in. I never ever use it for bike shots. but i got the chance finaly!

Table far away
Photo shot from up on a bridge about 300m away!

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