Extreme Sports Media Man

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Filming with DMR

In January i went down to Kechs Trails to take some Photos and Video of the DMR team..

I forgot about it and couldent use it after a team member left.
Looking through my camera 2 days ago i forgot that i had all the footage, so ive edited it up into another short movie.


And heres a photo i took on the same day!

I should be filming at Wisley Jam on Sunday.
And i have a massive film project planned

so expect alot more stuff coming this way!


Tuesday, 23 September 2008


This is the Most recent short film that i've made.
A few hours at wisley with Jack and Rory.
This video was featured on the front page of rip.tv, and a small article made about it on huckmonkey.com. Have a Quick look:



Monday, 22 September 2008

Sessions With Noy

I ride with Jack Noy pretty much every week so its a good chance for me to practise some Downhill shots.. went out on thursday and there are two i came back with:

Roost Away
Roost Away

Kicking up the Rough
Im quite proud of this one!


The Moon and the Hot Air

Went to take photos of some hit air baloons, but by the time i got there they had all taken off.

Only just managed to get this one:

Its all hot air

And A Portrait of my Grandma!

Great Grandma

And about a night later, it was a Harvest Moon, which basicly means it was really bright:

Light at Night


First Of Many

This my First Blog.. Im just going to give you an update and post some photos so Far!

So my main intrests are Mountainbikeing and Photography. I spend most my time doing both..
Ive been taking photos for around a year and ive just got hold of some decent equipment.
So here are my photos so far:

Whippin High
Bernard Kerr
Millyard, Marzochi)

Olly Wilkins

Corner Pop
Simon Parsons
Freedom Bikes)

The Hilltops Of Guildford
Adam Pollard

The Finger Tweaker
Jack Noy

Up and Down Adam and Rory Train
Rory Hackett
Adam Pollard


Superman Looks On

Tim Peckham

"Painty Fuzzy Crazy thing"...Easy as That
Sam Reynolds

Rob Webb
(Revel Bikes)

Wheels and Wood

Rider Unknown


Ryan Nangle

Sam "Susie"

Speed Grass
Me, Self Portrait

Simon Parsons
(Freedom Bikes)

Jack Noy

Hit and a Miss
Rory Hackett

Any Tread
Chris Seager

From The Tree's
Bernard Kerr
(Millyard, Marzochi)

Eyes To The Exit
Bernard Kerr
(Millyard, Marzochi)

Time to Turn
Jordan Buck

Rory Hackett

Wow Thats alot of photos, never knew i had so many... Should be updateing this everytime i get a new batch.. so there will be lots more to come
