In January i went down to Kechs Trails to take some Photos and Video of the DMR team..
I forgot about it and couldent use it after a team member left. Looking through my camera 2 days ago i forgot that i had all the footage, so ive edited it up into another short movie.
This is the Most recent short film that i've made. A few hours at wisley with Jack and Rory. This video was featured on the front page, and a small article made about it on Have a Quick look:
I ride with Jack Noy pretty much every week so its a good chance for me to practise some Downhill shots.. went out on thursday and there are two i came back with:
This my First Blog.. Im just going to give you an update and post some photos so Far!
So my main intrests are Mountainbikeing and Photography. I spend most my time doing both.. Ive been taking photos for around a year and ive just got hold of some decent equipment. So here are my photos so far:
Bernard Kerr (Millyard, Marzochi)
Olly Wilkins (DMR)
Simon Parsons (Freedom Bikes)
Adam Pollard (
Jack Noy
Rory Hackett ( Adam Pollard (
Tim Peckham (
Sam Reynolds (DMR)
Rob Webb (Revel Bikes)
Rider Unknown
Ryan Nangle (
Sam "Susie"
Me, Self Portrait
Simon Parsons (Freedom Bikes)
Jack Noy
Rory Hackett (
Chris Seager
Bernard Kerr (Millyard, Marzochi)
Bernard Kerr (Millyard, Marzochi)
Jordan Buck
Rory Hackett ( Wow Thats alot of photos, never knew i had so many... Should be updateing this everytime i get a new batch.. so there will be lots more to come